One Sheet

Teresa LeVelle is no alien to Los Angeles—she lives there—but she grew up on a Kansas farm surrounded by prairie in all directions. Little wonder then that her musical landscape includes silence, stillness and openness as well as intense drama and vivid colors. There is mystery where these worlds meet, and time and nature operate differently. Now hear how it sounds.

She is not alone on The Shadowlands, the first CD devoted to her work. Indeed, she is surrounded by a herd of exceptional talent. Danilo Lozano’s flute has earned him many a Grammy Award and listening to him play The White Buffalo it is easy to see why: conjuring up haunting visions of spirits, storms and untamed nature on the wild tall-grass prairie is just the beginning. Star sax player David Dees commissioned the title track, The Shadowlands for soprano saxophone and string quartet, for presentation at the World Saxophone Congress. It is hard to imagine a smaller venue for this energetic landmark work.

The accolades stack up further with performers such as bassist Michael Cameron, pianist Stephen Cook, percussionist Theresa Dimond, cellist Alexander Ezerman, violinists Mark Menzies and John Haspel Gilbert and harpist Ann Yeung. You can be certain you are hearing LeVelle’s music the way it was meant to be. This CD is only partially from Kansas but you can expect to be blown away.

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