“This music conjures up a whirlwind of emotion from some primeval source that permeates the listener with awe,” says Bebe Barron, pioneering star of electronic music. She may be right. It is certainly a deeply emotional journey between inner and outer worlds swept along by Schrader’s legendary synth writing.
At least one of the tunes, though, is not from a primeval source at all. Rather it uses a theme composed by Duke, a pot-bellied pig from Solvang, who played it on a xylophone once (and once only).
Beyond, Schrader’s only completely concrete work (it uses Waterphones and harpsichord as its sound sources) shows his interest in texture as strong as ever. Death, the final immersive track, will transport you to a place of mystery, second only to the real thing.
Barry Schrader co-founded SEAMUS and has taught at CalArts for many years. His cult-classics EAM and Lost Atlantis are also found on innova.