One Sheet
Here is a retrospective of David Dunn’s music from 1973 to 1985. For Dunn, sound is an instrument for research in deep ecology, with radical implications for our relationship to everything around us., In its thoughtful yet playful encounter with nature, Dunn’s work is a call for the re-enchantment of art and a beacon for a whole generation of composers and ecologists.
Alan Brewer, Bob Burns, Chris Robbins, David Dickey, David Dunn, David Marlowe, David Savage, Dennis Dunn, Donna Caruso, Duane Lakin-Thomas, Ed Harkins, Ellen Band, Gene Johnson, Jack Logan, Jeff Peterson, Jeri Webb, Larry Fant, Larry Rhodes, Lizbeth Rymland, Mark Mayer, Norbert Bach, Paul William Simons, Peter Hamlin, Peter Seibel, Phil Keeney, Ralph Dudgeon, Ric Cupples, Robert Paredes, Ron Robboy, Russell Estes
Release Date
January 1, 1996
Catalog Number