One Sheet

Chamber music and jazz intersect in Look Both Ways, the first cd by Los Angeles-based ArtMusic Ensemble. Featured are three of Luciano Berio’s landmark Sequenzas,  20th Century masterpieces for solo flute, oboe and clarinet, all given definitive performances by the ensemble’s leader, David Sherr.  There are also four of Sherr’s compositions, two of them based on material from the Sequenzas.  Debussy-Deb-You-Do is a set of variations, written and improvised, for two ensembles.  The thematic material is derived from Sequenzas I and IXa.  Palimpsest is an accompaniment to Sequenza VII, also for two ensembles, also written and improvised. Sax Lines And Audio Tape, and In The Pocketa Pocketa  are jazz pieces based on tone rows. 

Look Both Ways is 21st Century chamber music brilliantly performed by the ArtMusic Ensemble, featuring some of California’s hottest players.

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Price: $15.00

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