One Sheet

What’s the Danish word for Marshmallows?  If you answered “Skumfiduser” you are correct and will no doubt enjoy Applebaum’s work for orchestra and computer-generated tape of the same name.  The intellectual and audio pyrotechnics don’t end there on this unlikely new disc: “Martian Anthropology” posits that scholars from Mars visit the Earth after its destruction and piece together the entire history of civilization from three objects they dig up.  They might be anything; a wheelchair, a business card for an escort service, and a tube of Chapstick, for example.  The rest is up to you and your imagination.

Four Applebaum mega-works for orchestra and electronics are gathered here and will redefine your next symphony experience.  Listening to Ferneyhough on a sugar high does not even come close to this trip.

Release Date
October 26, 2004
Catalog Number

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