One Sheet

Brouhaha, the new album by Glass Farm Ensemble founder and director Yvonne Troxler, is far more than an assemblage of her most compelling new chamber pieces—it works the seams where music connects to the world and finds startling connections there. Whether drawing on the natural tones produced by a high-rise building in New York City during a storm (Penn 1), calling on the metaphorical weight of meteorites disguised as common rocks in a small Indian village in the three movements of Shergotty, or incorporating glass bowls into a work inspired by a Swiss musical tradition of rolling coins inside ceramic bowls, Troxler’s music doesn’t stand apart from the clamor of everyday life but instead embraces and celebrates it.

Founded in 2000, the Glass Farm Ensemble presents programs of new works by cutting-edge American composers and music from Europe’s thriving music scene. The group produces a concert series in New York City and travels extensively in Europe and throughout North America. Their first album, In Four, was released in 2008 by innova Recordings.

Pianist/composer Yvonne Troxler’s works have been performed at the “Construction In Process” festival in Poland, at the “Stanser Musikstage” in Switzerland, at the “Neue Musik in Rumlingen” festival in Switzerland and in numerous concerts with the Glass Farm Ensemble. She also composed the music for the film Off Hour by Daniel Frei and Life Without Compromise by Suzan Al-Doghachi. She is a visiting professor at the University of Lucerne in Switzerland and lives and works in New York City.

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