Ken Field
Under the Skin, Revolutionary Snake Ensemble: Year of the Snake, Sensorium, Revolutionary Snake Ensemble: I Want That Sound!
Lisa Mezzacappa
The Electronic Lover: Episode 1, The Electronic Lover: Episode 3, The Electronic Lover: Episode 2, The Electronic Lover: Episode 9, The Electronic Lover: Episode 8, The Electronic Lover: Episode 7, The Electronic Lover: Episode 6, The Electronic Lover: Episode 5, The Electronic Lover: Episode 4
Mark Applebaum
The Metaphysics of Notation, Intellectual Property, Sock Monkey, Mousetrap Music, The Janus Remixes, The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree, Martian Anthropology, Asylum, Disciplines, The Bible Without God, Mark Applebaum: 56 1/2 ft., 30, Speed Dating